KRASJ 4 Ninove 2018, 4 weekends in September


4th edition of the KRASJ Art Biennial curated by Rik De Boe, Johan De Wilde and Reinhard Doubrawa. Located in Ninove, Belgium (20 minutes by train from Brussels).

KRASJ 4, among other things, engages intensively with the viewer, more specifically with his / her physical presence and his / her empathic ability. As always, KRASJ continues at various locations in the public spaces of Ninove— historic buildings, a café, etc.... A former telecommunications building (the RTT complex) will be the central location of this fourth KRASJ.

Patricia Smith’s project, Dromen Ninove, began with the collection of anonymous dreams of Ninove residents. For the duration of the exhibition, bits and fragments of these dreams will appear throughout the city—in shops, bars and restaurants, and on the streets. Residents will be confronted with pieces of their own subconscious, now in a public setting, pointing out the fantastical and illogical foundation that underlies our material reality. Her installation in the RTT building features a hand-painted city map that refers to a well-known historical event, one that has its origins in a place somewhere between reality and the world of dreams.
RTT building room 1-14, and in public spaces throughout Ninove.